SeamusHeany as Poet.

Seamus Heany As a Poet -[1939-2013] Seamus Heany is a famous poet. He has been called “the most important Irish poet since Yeats”.He is a naturalist in two senses,firstly he lives in a close relationship with nature and secondly,he acts in accordance with his instincts rather than the rules of the society.His poems are filled with colour,packed with images of sight,smell,taste,and touch. “Innocence of childhood” was a major theme in his first work-“Death of a Naturalist”. In “ Death of a Naturalist” Heany conveys his love for his home land through his unique language.He proudly displays his knowledge- “Headrig”, “Town land”, “whisky mudler”.He uses strong ,decisive language never hesitating or rambling.His words helping the reader familiarize himself with surrounding.The first collection of verses gives an impression of the poet discovering a new world.He uses devices like,alliteration,assonation,onomatopoeia,recaturing the noises and silence of his home. Heany’s poems have a very visual effect.He uses a srange metaphor to begin his first collection of poems, the idea of poetry as a weapon. In the poem ‘Digging’ he uses the simile of a gun. Between my finger and my thumb The squat pen rests-snug as a gun. Heany makes a diificult choice ,choosing poetry instead of farming.He writes brutally honest descriptions of his feelings in the poem “Punishment”. Heany uses his poetry as a tool to undestand and qualify his experiences whether they are of nature, of his childhood,of the events and unfolding around him in Ireland. Heany writes history for the the ordinary people of his country.So,he uses ballad technique and images of countryside.He uses his poetry as a medium for bringing out the struggle and difficulties of farmers.He is able to turn ordinary occurances into events of extraordinary significance,using the magic of his words. As a poet ,he puts great reliance on the importance of past history on understanding present events.He resorts to the wisdom of past,relying on objects unearthed from the bog to provide him with answers.


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