My Article on One Word Substitutes Part-2

                           One Word Substitutes Part -2
One word can substitute a sentence. So having knowledge about these words we can write rich words and speak rich English.
Dear learners, I want to let you know some more important one word substitutes.
1.     Famish: A person who suffers from starvation.
Eg: When’s lunch? I am famished!
2.     Genocide: The killing of a race.
Eg: As a result of genocide in the small nation, thousands of children have now become homeless orphans.
3.     Hedonist: A person who lives for pleasure.
Eg: Naresh is a hedonist.
4.     Honorary: A post for which no salary is paid.
Eg: Geetha is an honorary director of the Company.
5.     Harangue: A prolonged and noisy speech before a large audience.
Eg: He delivered a harangue speech.
6.     Invulnerable: That cannot be wounded or defeated.
Eg: Vivekananda confidence is invulnerable by anybody.
7.     Isthmus: Narrow neck of land connecting two bigger land masses.
Eg: Between Ireland and England there is an isthmus.
8.     Impunity: Exemption from punishment.
Eg: He got impunity from his teacher.
9.     Loquacious: A person who talks much.
Eg: Himani is a loquacious.
10.                        Lucrative: An undertaking or profession that fetches handsome profit.
Eg: Ramya started a lucrative business.
11.                        Linguist: A person who is well-versed in many languages.
Eg: Dr. Samuel Johnson was a famous linguist.
12.                        Latent: Power hidden in a man.
Eg: Every man has latent talent inside.
13.                        Livery: A dress meant for servants.
Eg: The manger distributed a livery for the people.
14.                        Liturgy: A kind of public worship in a church.
Eg: The preacher has just completed the liturgy.
15.                         Misanthrope: A person who hates mankind.
Eg: Hitler was a Misanthrope [especially hated Jews].
16.                         Monopoly: the complete control of trade in particular goods.
Eg : In the past central government had a monopoly on television broadcasting.

17.                         Misogynist: A person who hates woman.
Eg: He is a misogynist.
18.                         Misogamist: A person who hates marriage.
Eg: Vijay is a misogamist.
19.                        Monotheism: A belief that there is only one God.
Eg: Buddhism supports monotheism.

20.                        Maiden: A speech delivered for the first time.
Eg: The maiden speech made by Swami Vivekananda in Chicago.
21. Matin: Morning Prayer in a church.
Eg: The Bishop has completed matin just now.
22. Neologism: A new word coined by an author.
Eg: The word realism neologised by Champfleury, a French novelist.
23. Novice: A person who is new to a trade or profession.
Eg: Pratap is a novice to this business.
24. Notorious: A person noted for bad reputation.
Eg: Nepolian was a notorious ruler.
25. Obituary:  A notification or a notice of a person’s death in news paper.
Eg: An obituary was published in news papers on Dr. APJ Abdul kalam’s life.
26. Pedant: A person who has keen desire to show off his knowledge and learning.
Eg: Vinay is a pedant.

Finally I want to tell you one thing that learning more number of one word substitutes help you to enhance your knowledge in vocabulary.
         Thank you.


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