Nature and Scope of Organizational Behavior.

                                         Nature and Scope of Organizational Behavior
Different leading authorities in the field of ‘ Organizational Behavior ‘ have discussed and defined the nature and scope of OB in different terms. There is no unanimity of opinion in the matter. The organizational behavior personified has a nature, just as any human being has a peculiar nature or the psychological tendency. It is an art and science by nature .So, it follows that the subject of the organizational behavior is an art, and science too.

Organizational Behavior as an Art : It involves quite subjective approach , in terms of the skillful organization of the field studies, the collection of the data and the interpretation of the results by human beings who generally are more subjective than objective in their approach.

Organizational Behavior as a Science: It follows the scientific methods of the observation, the collection of the data, the hypothesis, the theory and the model building ever open to the scientific scrutiny in terms of the relationship among variables under the study and the validity of such a relationship.

It may be concluded from the above discussion that OB is an art and as well as a science. Influence of the interface between individual and organization cannot be overlooked .

Some important Characteristics of OB are : Organizational Behavior is influenced by b4ehavioral science and social sciences. The prominent among these are Anthropology, Psychology and Anthropology. It involves three levels of analysis of behavior – individual, group, and Organizational Behavior. It helps in understanding the human behavior in work place. It includes creative thinking among managers to resolve problems in organizational setup.

Scope of Organizational Behavior – The main emphasis is on inter –cultural and trans cultural studies. Intra- cultural analysis is invited where this contributes to an understanding of the issues, problems and practice of managing, working and organizing across cultures. Of particular relevance is the application of cross cultural psychology, socio-cultural anthropology, sociology, cross cultural communication, and related disciplines to cross- cultural management issues and practice. A cross disciplinary approach is also encouraged. Contributions are expected principally from those engaged in those engaged in the international and cross- cultural areas of organizational behavior, organizational theory, human resource management and management. This doesnot exclude contributions from specialists working in other fields such as cross-cultural consumer behaviou is not likely to be considered, but inter-cultural negation will be.

The Scope of Organizational Behavior is : Leadership; Decision Making; Impact of personality traits on performance; Effective Team Building and Groups; Study of the different Organizational set up; Motivation; Attitude; Perception; Learning; Development of Organization; Impact of Religion and Culture on OB; Management for Change; Coping with stress; Management of Conflicts; Group Behavior; Power and Politics; Job Design; Industrial Relations and study of Emotions.
         ---------------- The End-------------


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