Need of Organizational Behaviour.

(Q) Write a short note on  the need of Organizational Behavior.

A study of organizational behavior is helping in various ways. Some of reasons are:
ü It is a systematic study of the actions and atritudes of people within organization.
ü It helps managers in getting the work done through effective methods.
ü It emphasizes the relations between the organization and individual behavior,thus making an attempt to fulfill psychological and sociological contract between individuals and the organization.
ü It helps to develop work-related behavior and job satisfaction.
ü It helps in building motivating environment.
ü It helps in building good relations with stakeholders.
ü It helps in predicting behavior in some meaningful way to make organizations effective.
ü Another reason for studying OB is, helpsto improve functional behavior leading to productivity, efficiency, effectiveness and also facilitates to reduce dysfunctional behavior in organizations like absenteeism, tardness, dissatisfaction etc.
     -----------------The End--------------



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