Summary of Graveyard Poem by Gurram Jashuva

                                                 Summary of Graveyard

“ Graveyard “ is an Elegy as the title itself suggests. It conveys a tragic theme with a Pathetic tone. From the beginning to the end author uses similies. The title is very opt to the content of the poem. This is is a Telugu poem translated into English by ‘Mallipriya Ramraj’.
In this poem, the opening stanza says that years have rolled on but not a soul raises up from the tomb. How long is this sleep in absorbed in stillness? So many people come to the graveyard  and weep for their dear ones. Especially here author gives importance to a mother, who bitterly  weep for her baby. Her tears are melting the marbles. The author beautifully explains the pain of a mother by using a similie. “ The marble hot with her tears”.
In the second stanza , sky is glommy, owls with devils have begun to spurt.Ravens do screams, our heart does shudder but not a leaf moves in this graveyard. Peace pervades in this place. Here the author beautifully picturised how the graveyard is.
In the third stanza, author says that, this the place where great poets , who have written great works and perished in embers. This is the place where kings have been burnt in fire. This is the place where a newly wedded woman has lost her soulmate and moreover in this place some famous painters have been destroyed in flames. Here, we understand that whoever the people are they too reach their final destination that is graveyard.
In the next stanza the author says this graveyard is a dreaded stage. Here Lord siva dances violently with his awful spirits. This graveyard is compared to the throne of ashes from which death fiercely reign. Here author mentions Lord Siva . It is evident in this poem  though he was a Christian, he refers to the Hindu Gods and Mythology.
 This graveyard plunged in deep darkness. The lamp that flickers like a firefly.Though oil exhausted refuses to putout.Its not the lamp but the heart of bereaved mother lingers in this place. Here, bereaved mother’s heart  is beautifully compared to a hovering glow worm.
Pens of poets and voices of singers were mute now in the graveyard. Actually when they were mortals they were equal to Kalidasa and Bhavani but now they immerged with the clay of potters wheel. Her author tells that death is no exception for the great people.
Where we look at little tombs, our hearts melt away. At this place some pretty cheeks have perished and certain beloved is laid on rest. Some mothers heart has  its agony unquenched. Arts yet to flourish have been nipped in the bud. Here author says that who are going to be great artists  were dead, without showing their talents.
According to Jashuva  this is the place  where all are equal. It levels the differences between rich and the poor, Here both the wild tiger and mild lamb rocked alike in a single cradle. He showed that the reality that all are equal after death. Caste have no place in the graveyard. Reality and justice that prevail in this place.
Finally this elegiac poem “ Graveyard” highlighting the transitory nature of human glory brought home to the poet by the special situation of graveyard throughout the poem Jashuva showed his interest towards the traditions of Hindu Society.
                          ------------ The End ------------------


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